
Awareness is the first step toward meaningful action. 
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Public Health
President and Founder Dune Lankard on Rebalancing Native Diets with Subsistence Foods in Alaska. Dive into the remarkable journey of Dune Lankard, a guardian of the Eyak People and thei...  read more
In April, we were honored to co-host an official side event during the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York City.  Collaborating with Jamii Asilia Centre, Global Wisdom...  read more
Humankind and Nature
We talk with the Iñupiaq Wildlife and Conservation Biologist about the role of Indigenous Peoples in Arctic conservation strategies. They make up less than 5% of the global population, ...  read more
At the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples' Global Conference in Mexico, we videoed a very inspiring conversation with Cultural Survival's Executive Director, Galina Angarova. A member of the...  read more
Public Health
This episode introduces Sacred Pipe Resource Center's frontlines work with the Native American Urban Tribal population in the Bismarck-Mandan area of North Dakota. Founder Cheryl Kary tells us about s...  read more
Last month, Azimuth attended the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples' Global Conference in Merida, Mexico. That's where we had the wonderful opportunity of sitting down with Tarcila Rivera Ze...  read more
Humankind and Nature
In this Voices From the Ground, we explore the decades-long work of Fundación Sobrevivencia Cofán, our grantee. Founder and director Randy Borman and Project Manager Felipe Borman guide us through a l...  read more
Humankind and Nature
With the latest Voices From the Ground, we learn about the work of our grantees, Global Wisdom Collective and Jamii Asilia Centre, whose Revitalize the Roots: Bikaptorois project will enhance intergen...  read more
The National Geographic photographer discusses his unique body of work, which tells the stories of human communities connected to the land. Watch the video interview above, or scroll down fo...  read more
Public Health
Our new segment explains, through the voice of our grantees, how projects by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities decolonize aid and truly address the problems these communities face. Azimuth...  read more
Howard University professor Rui Diogo, an anthropologist and biologist, tells us about his first-hand experience with Batwa and Baka communities. Watch the video interview above, or scroll down for th...  read more
Humankind and Nature
In this episode, our guest will help us understand how vital the role of Youth, and more importantly, Indigenous Youth, is in reconciling Humankind and Nature.   Watch the video interview ab...  read more