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A pioneer of Indigenous literature in Brazil discusses the vital role of this movement in preserving both territories and worldviews. Over the last 30 years, the emergence of contemporary Indigenous l...  read more
Humankind and Nature
Indigenous literature as resistance and celebration: A conversation with the artivist and poet on decolonization, reparations, and finding joy in the struggle In recent years, we've witnessed a remark...  read more
"Raízes do Futuro" vai reunir líderes indígenas, académicos, cineastas, ativistas e especialistas em direitos humanos e meio ambiente. Juntos, vamos explorar o valor cultural e conhecim...  read more
"Roots of the Future" will bring together Indigenous leaders, academics, filmmakers, activists, and experts in human rights and environmental issues. Together, we'll explore the cultural value and kno...  read more
Public Health
Amid South Sudan's challenging landscape, this remarkable Indigenous-led organization is transforming HIV care for the Morokodo People in Mundri, Western Equatoria, through community-centered approach...  read more
Humankind and Nature
A conversation with two Indigenous-led Funds from the Brazilian Amazon, Podáali and FIRN, and International Funders for Indigenous Peoples, which serves as the secretariat for the Global Alliance of I...  read more
We're thrilled to have been part of the Leadership Summit Portugal 2024, themed "Humanity is Calling". Our president, Mariana Marques, delivered a video address at this prestigious event in Cascais, h...  read more
Humankind and Nature
The Executive Director of the Ogiek Peoples' Development Program shares his remarkable journey of fighting for land rights and advocating for Kenya's hunter-gatherer communities. In the highland fores...  read more
Humankind and Nature
Azimuth World Foundation recently supported Carson Kiburo, a member of the Endorois People, in attending the UN's 17th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) last ...  read more
With our two guests, sisters and collaborators spearheading the "Respectful Research" intiative, we explore a decolonizing approach to Arctic research. In a recent episode of our podcast, we had an en...  read more
Humankind and Nature
A far-reaching discussion on Indigenous rights in the green transition, the impact of Indigenous-led initiatives, the evolution of the Indigenous movement in Brazil, and the author, scholar and advoca...  read more
Safe Water
As the women-led organization from Colombia launches a sustainable water security project, we speak with team member Nadia Rodriguez, who is also from the Narakajmanta community where it will be imple...  read more